Lori arrived late Friday night. We were going to go to the Ferry Building Farmers market Saturday morning, but the refrigerator decided to stop working, so we were stuck at home waiting for a repairman. Finally got out around 2PM, hit Union Square and made major headway on the do-to list. Ash was a trooper but I could tell she was tired. Went to dinner that night in North Beach, but she didn't have much of an appetite and said she was feeling "bleh." I thought maybe labor was starting, but no.
Sunday she was back to normal and had a big breakfast of french toast, bacon and fresh berries. Took MUNI to the Giants game, where we snarfed on hot dogs, garlic fries and pizza. Ash wanted to see Barry Bonds hit a home run, and he delivered. Gotta love that juice. We briefly considered Barry Bonds Anderson for a name but opted against it. It was butt cold so we left at the bottom of the 7th inning. Came home, I made a pork roast, garlic mashed potatoes and roasted green beans for dinner.
Tomorrow morning Lori goes home to Florida and Doug heads down to LA until Thursday. Ash has antenatal testing tomorrow and Thursday. Doug's Mom (Ashley's Mamaw) arrives Friday (I think) and will stay until after the baby is born.
A special shout out to my Aunt Kathi. She made a beautiful blanket for the baby. It's somewhere in the 2,400 loads of laundry I did. The good news is the layette is basically complete. The bad news is I had to fold it all. And we're making progress on the name... the short list is getting shorter.
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