Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad Blogger

A shameful lack of postings around here.. I've been gone for pleasure (a long-planned backpacking trip in Yosemite) and business (a somewhat last minute trip to DC for work). So before we resume our normal bloggin around here -- a couple of housekeeping items.

Lucy still had a week off when we got back from Florida so my mom and my niece Chelsea came up to fill in.. a tremendous help. Thanks Mom & Chel!

And while we were gone Charles and Riku came up from LA to watch Larabee. Thanks guys!

Shortly after we returned, we had the pleasure of meeting one of Lonan's Georgia fans in person... Alesa!

After a close game of (almost) chess, Alesa and I were talking about how so many baby toys are electronic and whatever happened to the simple old fashioned stuff? So what arrives in the mail last week but a giant castle from Discovery Toys. A great gift - thanks Alesa!

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