Monday, May 11, 2009

A Visit with Great-Grandma

Of course he was fascinated by her cane and her hat.

Hard to believe they are 95 years apart in age, born in different centuries.

So, bad blogger. The old computer was unsalvagable, so we got a new one. But it doesn't seem to like our camera, leaving me with lots of great pics from out trip to SoCal and no way to upload them until I can get the problem figured out. But we had a wonderful three day visit.

Lonan's speech is exploding, with new words every day. Yesterday it was "happy" as I tried to get him to say Happy Mother's Day to my mom on the phone. Cookie was new as of last week. This morning it was the first word out of his mouth. I suppose a cookie before breakfast won't hurt him. Still playing hard (we continue to be the hardest working parents on the playground) but also eating everything in sight and sleeping like, well, a baby.

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