Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Plan

Saffa just e-mailed re: last night's false alarm and inquired what our plan is once Ashely goes in to labor. Hadn't thought about it as a "plan" until now... but have been putting some of the pieces in place. We took a tour of the maternity ward at UCSF the week Ashley arrived. Gotta say, it's pretty damn sweet. It's on the 15th floor and all the birthing suites have either a Golden Gate or Bay Bridge view (or fog as the case may be). Each has a seating area, a large bathroom with a jacuzzi tub (where I can relax with a martini should I be overcome) plus, of course, all the requisite birthing equipment.

Chad and Jonesy will make sure Larrabee is fed and walked. I'll make the requisite calls to family and Saf may guest blog updates for y'all.

Last night we set out clothes and a bag of stuff we want to take to the hospital.. camera, cell phones, chargers, toiletries, reading material... and that's just Doug and I. Guess I should ask Ash what she wants to take.

Of course when the time comes we will probably scream like women, soil ourselves and faint.

Just talked to Ash... back still hurts and she's having cramps.

1 comment:

Bettina said...

I just love reading your blog, and I'm checking it now every day to make sure I'm not missing the big day. Makes me feel like i'm right there experiencing everything with you. I'm so happy for you all!