Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Big Brother

Puppy Love with my niece Megan

Larrabee knows something is up. He's become very attached to Ashley, and the last couple of days he's at her side constantly. She says during the day he follows her wherever she goes. Yesterday they were on the sofa in the den watching TV when his walker Jonesy came to pick him up. Normally he runs downstairs to meet her when he hears her come in. But this week he hasn't, preferring to stay with Ash. So Jonesy came upstairs to get him and he still wouldn't leave Ash. When Jonesy went to put a leash on him, he air snapped her. Very unlike him, as he LOVES Jonesy and has been going out with her for years. Bad dingo. We think he's just sensing a new pack forming and feeling protective. Still, it's unacceptable behavior. I've seen dogs out who go ape if you come near "their" kid. We don't intend for him to become one of those. Jonesy recommended a trainer who has experience with this kind of situation. After the ridiculous amounts of money we've spent on his surgeries (very bad dingo) it seems prudent to try to nip this in the bud. Not worried about him with the boy as he is very gentle with kids... typical lab. But if he thinks he's going to become a guard dog he's got another think coming.

Ash and I made another short jog down the peninsula tonight to look for a file cabinet to match the new computer desk... no luck. Since we were there we ran to Babies R Us (yet again) for what I hope will be the final run... bottles, diapers, washcloths, baby wash & lotion, a few more blankets. I think we are set for the first couple of weeks. Now we wait.


Unknown said...

Oh My God Right Now! Bad Dingo is right! I miss you guys.
- TonyO

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, we are enjoying the baby blog and Megan got quite a kick out of this. "baby Larabe!" We sent out a care pack should arrive in a few days!!