Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tick Tock

Back still hurts. Stomach still hurts. Now Ash says her legs hurt too. She and Mamaw laid low yesterday. We went out for tapas for dinner. Doctors appt this afternoon. He'll be able to tell us if she's dilating at all and hopefully give us a better idea whether she'll make it to next Friday's induction.

In other news... I picked up one of these yesterday.. free! Someone was giving it away on Craigslist. Also got this, this and this off CL. Not free but way cheap. Woot!

1 comment:

XCBitsy said...

The East Coast contingent is counting the days (or hours as the case may be) and we are so excited!!!

What are you doing for food for the first several days after coming home? Do you have stuff pre-cooked in the freezer?? Wish we were there to do this for you!

All our best,
Mark and Clare